Australasia’s Peak Body for MBAs
MBA Australasia (MBAus for short, and pronounced “MBA oz”) is a not-for-profit organisation with a long history of supporting students and graduates of management disciplines. Through the merger of the Graduate Management Association of Australia (GMAA) and MBAus in 2020, the newly restructured organisation is the peak body for MBA students and graduates in Australasia.
Our mission at MBAus is to promote the standing and enhance the value of MBA qualifications.
Most Outstanding MBA
Community Impact
MBA Innovation
Distinguished citizen
Most Inspirational MBA Lecturer
Business Excellence and Leadership
MBA Success Podcast
Join our hosts, Ross Barclay and Chris Jacko, as they interview some of the best and brightest MBA graduates on our MBA Success podcast.
In addition to our annual conference and Graduate Management Awards nights, MBAus hosts a range of webinars and networking events to support the MBA community, and provide ongoing networking opportunities.